Saturday, February 7, 2009

Adam Tensta

Tuli tuju pajatada viimase paari kuu suurimast addictionist. Tegemist siis Adam Tenstaga, teemaks debüütalbum "It's a Tensta Thing".
Kõigepealt tänaks Maagzi, kes hooaja algusepoolel Kosele sõites mulle tema lugusid tutvustas ja julgelt väitis, et mulle hakkab see meeldima. Mees ei eksinud.

Adam Tensta ehk sünnijärgselt Adam Momodou Eriksson Taal on '83 aasta kutt, elab Rootsis ja on edukalt juba mitu aastat hiphopiga tegelenud. Omapärased juured on poiss saanud vanematelt, isa on pärit Gambiast ja ema on rootsi-soomlane. Üles kasvas ta üksikema ja heroiinisõltlasest pidevalt äraoleva isaga Stockholmi äärelinnas Tenstas, mis on üks kõige kuulsamaid getosid sealkandis, tuntud oma kuritegevuse ja narkootikumide poolest.
Adam aga hoidus neist eemale ja leidis muu mooduse enda meeli ergutada ja oma vaba aega sisustada. Et austada ja meeles pidada kus juured pärinevad, võttis mees esinejanimeks Tensta, mis oli siis ta kodukoht. Märkimisväärne on see, et AT pole kunagi suitsu, alkoholi ega narkootikumi proovinud, olles selles eeskuju "Mittesuitsetavale generatsioonile".

Album sisaldab väga omapärast hiphopi väikese elektrohõngulise lisaga. Väike tsitaat juurde, mis Perez Hilton ütles mehe kohta:

"Kanye is gonna love this shit! He'll be mentioning this on his blog by the end of next week. Watch. This fella's name is Adam Tensta, and he is one of the freshest and illest rappers on the planet. And he's from Sweden! Though he raps in English. Tensta's beats are dope as shiz and he's rhyming about things other than the cliches in American hip hop: hoes and cash."

Lisan juurde tracklisti, kel tekkis soov, kindlasti kuulake.

  1. "It's a Tensta Thing"
  2. "Bangin' On the System"
  3. "My Cool"
  4. "Walk With Me"
  5. "Dopeboy" (feat. Eboi)
  6. "See U Watchin" (feat. Nitti Gritti)
  7. "Do the Right Thing"
  8. "They Wanna Know"
  9. "I M Sayin'" (feat. Isay)
  10. "80's Baby"
  11. "S.t.o.l.d." (feat. Eboi)
  12. "Incredible" (feat. Isay)
  13. "Before U Know It"
  14. "Same Face"
Ma ei tahaks ühtegi lugu eraldi esile tõsta, aga samas üks pala on, mis tõmbab enne mängu hea hoo sisse, autoga sõites mõnus põks peal..sobib igale poole! Lüürika sisaldab sellist enesekindlust, veidi cocky võib tunduda, aga samas näitab, kui iseseisev mees on väiksest peale olnud ja ei lase end mingitel võõrastel oma arvamusega heidutada.

The-The-The-The-The-The-The-The-They wanna know

[Verse 1]
They wanna know why we look like a gang
look so criminal, look like we bang
So I tell them only bangin' that we do it is on the system
We're just doing our thing
They wanna know why we walk like we walk
Talk like we talk, like we own the city
So I tell them like it is
I got it from my mother, that's just the way we raised
They wanna know why my pants hang low
What it says on my tee, why I dress like this for
So I tell them fuck your dress code
Who I'm supposed to pull my pants up for?
They wanna know, keep askin' me questions
Askin' me about this , askin me about that
When they don't even know me, so stop your questions on me

Th-Th-they they wanna know
Who-who-who who wanna know?
You-you-you you wanna know

[Verse 2]
They wanna know why I'm blowing my fuel
Losing my temper, losing my cool
So I tell them I just do what I do
You don't need to know why I do what I do
They wanna know why I can't take orders
Listen to the boss when I work in here
So I tell them: are you fucking with me?
I'm just trying to work in here
They wanna know what we do when we're in the crib
If we tokin, tokin
So I tell'em : I don't know why you're askin'
Do it look like I've been smokin'?
They wanna know if I know somebody, that know somebody,
That know some drugs
So I tell them I don't fuck with you.
Do I look like I sell drugs? Niggah!


What you wanna know about me huh?
You don't know me, why should you care
Stop askin' questions man
What makes you think I'll answer them?
What you wanna know about me huh?
You don't know me, why should you care
Stop askin' questions man
What makes you think I'll answer them?

What you wanna know about me huh?
You don't know me, why should you care
Stop askin' questions man
What makes you think I'll answer them?
What you wanna know about me huh?
You don't know me, why should you care
Stop askin' questions man
What makes you think I'll answer them?


Soovitan soojalt see album läbi kuulata nii 3 korda, siis on kindlalt selge "whether you will hate it or love it"!
More good music soon!

Adam Tensta - My Cool

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